



Dear Project Iam,


     I am writing to say thank you for the scholarship that your organization was kind and generous enough to give to me. Now I can continue to receive speech services at home and work on executive functioning skills with Ms. Katie from Exceeding Expectations. You have no idea how much I appreciate it, and how much it means to my family and I. Words will never be enough to do it justice. Project Iam means so much to me. I love your mission and what you do. Receiving this scholarship was a huge relief for me. It made me so happy because I still get to learn and grow through therapy! I love to do those things! I live life believing progress is always possible and thanks to you I can continue to learn new skills. Executive functioning skills are very hard for me. I have struggled with this challenge for years. My family and I have tried multiple things over the years and nothing worked for long until I started therapy at Exceeding Expectations. My bedroom is totally neat and transformed now and I have you to thank! I am learning so many important skills. Thanks for helping me be the best me I can be. Thank you for positively impacting my family and so many others! You are truly an amazing asset to our community. You make a difference.


My best,

Chloe Rothschild